Please be sure to read and understand all TK Instruments policies before you decide to purchase your instrument.
You should also explore the TK Anatomy in order to understand exactly what goes into these instruments.

Gallery Instrument Policies:
(Policies for all non-custom instruments purchased from the Gallery)
What are "Gallery Instruments"?
These Instruments have been handcrafted by Todd Keehn, and designed to his specifications.
These instruments will only be for sale to the public as they are completed.
They will be photographed and posted in the top row(s) of the Gallery along with full detailed specifications, as well as the final price.
These high end Instruments will on average cost somewhere between $3500 and $5500. The final price of course depends on the model and specifications of the individual instrument (labor, hardware, wood, electronics, etc.).If there is no price listed with an instrument in the gallery, then that means it has been either sold, or is unavailable.
Payment policy for Non-Custom Shop instruments
All transactions must be in U.S. funds, as cash, money order, or certified bank draft.
Personal checks are accepted, but must clear before the instrument can be shipped.
ALL shipping and insurance costs are the responsibility of the customer,
All instruments must be paid in full, before delivery.
Warranties and Guaranties:
and make sure you are satisfied with your TK Instrument purchase.
I demand perfection in every TK Instrument that I build, before it leaves my shop.
My reputation depends on this policy.
So if in the very unlikely event your instrument does not meet your expectations, then of course I will do anything, and everything,
within TK Instruments policies to make sure you are completely satisfied.
TK Instruments Warranty:
All TK Instruments carry a limited 5 year warranty to the original owner against defects in material and workmanship.
This warranty does not cover damage due to normal wear and tear, abuse, neglect or extremes of temperature and humidity.
The Instrument's maintenance is the responsibility of the owner and is a condition of this warranty.
Should an instrument need repair, warranty or otherwise, shipping expenses (both ways) are the responsibility of the owner.
3 day Money back Guarantee for Gallery (In-stock) Instruments
All NON-Custom (Gallery) TK Instruments carry a *full 3 day money back guarantee *(less shipping costs)
If up to 3 days after you receive your instrument you are not fully satisfied,
just let me know, and I can help you arrange to either send it back for a full refund,
Or, you can exchange of another instrument (if another instrument is available)
An Important note about damaged returns and refunds:
If in the very unlikely event an instrument (sent or returned) was damaged in shipping
then the damage should be covered by insurance costs paid by the customer before the instrument is shipped (both ways).
If an instrument is damaged during the return to TK Instruments; because it was improperly shipped by the customer,
and the insurance won't cover the damage, then the cost of the instrument will be the responsibility of the customer.
Please be aware that IF an instrument is packaged properly by TK Instruments, or packaged properly by the customer returning the instrument,
then the shipping company (UPS or USPS) will cover the damage; provided it was insured of course...
This has NEVER happened to me, or any of my customers; but it's better to be safe than sorry!
Please understand, this is not my choice, it's just the way of the shipping companies.
So let's PLEASE make sure we all do a excellent re-packing job!
Also: any and all non-shipping related damage done to an instrument by the customer during the 3 day trial period must be paid for by the customer, before an instrument will be exchanged for another.
And if the instrument is being returned for a refund then all repair costs will be subtracted from the refund.
So please be very careful during your first 3 day trial period.

Custom Shop & Bowed Instrument Policies:
Please understand that since your instrument will be Pre-ordered, and built specifically for you, as a one-of-a kind creation,
there is of course, a -No Refund- policy on all Custom Shop & Bowed instruments.
To reserve, or to begin construction on a Custom Shop instrument, a minimum deposit of 50% of the total cost is needed.
To reserve, or to begin construction on a Bowed instrument, a minimum deposit of 75% of the total cost is needed.
The final balance along with shipping costs can either be paid upon completion, or if you prefer; the entire amount can be paid at the beginning of the project.
All transactions must be in U.S. funds, as cash, money order, or certified bank draft.
Personal checks are accepted, but must clear before the instrument can be shipped.
ALL shipping and insurance costs are the responsibility of the customer,
I will not charge any extra handling fees on shipping instruments.
All instruments must be paid in full, before delivery.
Custom Shop & Bowed Instruments Warranty:
All TK Instruments carry a limited 5 year warranty to the original owner against defects in material and workmanship.
This warranty does not cover damage due to normal wear and tear, abuse, neglect or extremes of temperature and humidity.
The Instrument's maintenance is the responsibility of the owner and is a condition of this warranty.
Should an Instrument need repair, warranty or otherwise, shipping expenses (both ways) are the responsibility of the owner.

If you have any additional questions: please see the FAQ .
If you can not find an answer to your questions, please feel free to contact me
Note: Even if you do not have any questions, it is highly recommended you view the FAQ , simply because there is so much additional information on there that applies to the specifications, designs, policies, and views of TK Instruments...
The policies of TK Instruments are of continual development and improvement.
Therefore the right is reserved to alter specifications and prices included in this site without prior notice.
Please beware that some manufactures may suddenly increase the prices of hardware, electronics, wood, materials, etc.
and therefore I would need to increase my prices in order not to take a loss...
It is also the policy of TK Instruments to provide excellent customer service,
so you can count on me to be as fair as possible, in these matters, if they should arise.